Yemek Kültürü Konusunda Yayınlanan Tezlerin Bibliyometrik Profili

Author :  

Year-Number: 2019-49
Language : null
Konu :
Number of pages: 6376-6389
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap


Bu çalışmada yemek kültürü konusunda yayınlanmış lisansüstü tezlerin çeşitli parametreler çerçevesinde bibliyometrik özelliklerini belirlemek amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla Yüksek Öğretim Kurumu’nun Ulusal Tez Merkezi resmi web sitesi “yemek kültürü’’ anahtar kelimesi ile taranmış ve 2000-2019 (ilk 9 ay) yıllarında yayınlanmış 45 tez çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir. Bu tezlerin; akademik düzeyi, yayınlandığı yıl, üniversite, enstitü, anabilim dalı, diğer anahtar kelimeleri, konuları, örneklem yöntemi, örneklem grubu, veri toplama aracı, danışman unvanları, sayfa sayılarına yönelik değişkenleri bibliyografik açıdan incelenmiş ve ilgili parametreler doğrultusunda frekans analizine tabi tutulmuştur. Sonuç olarak yemek kültürü konusunda yayınlanan tezlerin sıklıkla yüksek lisans tezi olduğu, yöresel ya da etnik yemek kültürlerinin açığa çıkarılması ve envanter oluşumuna katkı sağlama kapsamında ele alındığı tespit edilmiştir. Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı alanında en fazla yüksek lisans tezi yapıldığı, bu sıralamayı Gastronomi ve Mutfak Sanatları alanının izlediği belirlenmiştir. Çalışmada, sıklıkla doküman incelemesi yapıldığı ve amaçlı örnekleme yönteminin kullanıldığı belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışma konunun disiplinerarası özelliğini ortaya koyması bakımından önemlidir.



In this study, it was aimed to determine bibliometric properties of graduate theses about food culture within the framework of various parameters. For this purpose, the official web site of the National Thesis Center of Higher Education Institution was searched with the keyword "food culture" and 45 theses published in 2000-2019 (first 9 months) were included in the study. Academic level, year of publication, university, institute, department, other keywords, subjects, sampling method, sample group, data collection tool, supervisor titles, page numbers of these theses were examined from bibliographic perspective and subjected to frequency analysis in accordance with related parameters. As a result, it has been determined that the theses published on food culture are often master's theses and they are handled within the scope of revealing local or ethnic food cultures and contributing to the formation of inventory. It was determined that the highest number of master's theses were made in the field of Turkish Language and Literature, followed by Gastronomy and Culinary Arts. In this study, it is determined that document analysis is frequently performed in these theses and purposive sampling method is used. This study is important in terms of revealing the interdisciplinary nature of the subject.


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  • Food culture, which should be examined from an interdisciplinary perspective, is shaped by many differentfactors such as geography, religion, settlement pattern, social interaction and the structure of thepopulation. Therefore, it is important to investigate the subject in the context of anthropology, history,psychology, sociology, health, communication, religion, gastronomy. Food and food culture studies havebeen one of the fastest growing research areas in recent years. In this study, it is aimed to make abibliographic study of the postgraduate theses on "food culture". For this purpose, the general view ofgraduate theses conducted between 2000-2019 (first 9 months) has been tried to be presented with numerical data.

  • Postgraduate theses published between 2000-2019 (first 9 months) in Turkey, academic level, year ofpublication, university, institute, department, other keywords, subjects, sampling method, sample group, data collection tool, advisor titles, page numbers in terms of variables It was investigated.

  • In the study, a total of 45 theses were published in 2000-2019 (first 9 months), 37 of which were master'sdegree (83.0%) and 8 of which were doctoral theses (17.0%). According to Table 2, it is seen that themaximum number of master's theses was published in 2018 (21.5%) and the maximum number of theses(34.0%) in both academic levels was again in 2018. It is seen that the doctoral theses on food culture wasnot handled before 2009 and that the highest number of doctoral dissertations (25.0%) was published in2012-2017. According to Table 3, it was noted that the theses on food culture was prepared in 27 differentuniversities, the highest master's theses (16.2%) was prepared at Sakarya University and the maximumdoctoral theses (25.0%) was prepared at Marmara University. According to Table 4 (Master's Degree:89.2%, PhD: 87.5%), graduate theses are mostly published in the social sciences institute. This ranking isfollowed by the Institute of Science (Master's Degree: 5.4%, Doctorate 12.5%), health sciences andTurcology research institutes. In Table 4, it can be seen that the highest level of master's theses was madein the field of Turkish Language and Literature (16.2%), followed by Gastronomy and Culinary Arts(13.6%) and History (8.1%). According to Table 5, "food" and "nutrient" keywords were the most used(23.9%) in master's theses while "globalization" and "kitchen" were used most in doctoral theses. In Table7, it is observed that the highest (35.6%) food culture and inventory creation subjects were studied inmaster's theses, while the doctoral theses studied the effects of globalization and culture industry on foodculture (11.8%). In Table 8, it is seen that the highest (54.1%) qualitative research methods are used inmaster's theses, and the mixed (qualitative-quantitative) research methods are used in the conceptual studies(32.4%) followed by the doctoral theses. According to Table 9, in most of the theses, it was observed thatthe sampling method was incomplete, while the highest ( Master's Degree :18.9%, PhD: 62.5%) purposivesampling method was used. In the theses carried out at both academic levels, the sample group consisted ofthe most (57.5%, 60.0% PhD) document analysis, and the most commonly used data collection is printed materials ( Master's Degree : 51.1, PhD: 66.6%).

  • In the study, it has been determined that food culture has started to be studied for the first time since 2000and continued to increase. In this context, it was determined that the subject was primarily examined withits social dimension. In recent years, the increasing tendency to qualitative research has been shown to beeffective in food culture and qualitative research methods are frequently used in theses. In addition, it hasbeen determined that the dishes that are important in terms of cultural heritage are reflected in the graduatethesis subjects and in this context, it is determined that food culture and food inventory belonging todifferent cultures are frequently studied. It has been determined that the role of media in food culturechange is also seen as important in the development of communication and information technologies. In thestudy, it was determined that the subject was handled by different departments (Turkish Language andLiterature, Gastronomy and Culinary Arts, History, Media Studies, etc.). In this context, the study is important in terms of revealing the interdisciplinary feature of food culture.

  • Article Statistics