This study was conducted to examine the relationship between parents' awareness of domestic violence and their childhood traumatic experiences. The sample of this study in relational screening model consists of 139 parents. Data were collected using the Personal Information Form, the Domestic Violence Awareness Scale, and the Childhood Trauma Scale. The mean of awareness of domestic violence scale was 24.76±4.4, and the mean of childhood traumatic experiences scale was 51.77±9.68. As a result, it was observed that there was a statistically significant, positive, very weak correlation between the domestic violence awareness scale and the total scores of the childhood traumatic experiences scale.
This study was conducted to examine the relationship between parents' awareness of domestic violence and their childhood traumatic experiences. The sample of this study in relational screening model consists of 139 parents. Data were collected using the Personal Information Form, the Domestic Violence Awareness Scale, and the Childhood Trauma Scale. The mean of awareness of domestic violence scale was 24.76±4.4, and the mean of childhood traumatic experiences scale was 51.77±9.68. As a result, it was observed that there was a statistically significant, positive, very weak correlation between the domestic violence awareness scale and the total scores of the childhood traumatic experiences scale.
@article{2022,title={The Relationship Between Parents' Awareness of Domestic Violence And Childhood Trauma Experiences},abstractNode={
This study was conducted to examine the relationship between parents' awareness of domestic violence and their childhood traumatic experiences. The sample of this study in relational screening model consists of 139 parents. Data were collected using the Personal Information Form, the Domestic Violence Awareness Scale, and the Childhood Trauma Scale. The mean of awareness of domestic violence scale was 24.76±4.4, and the mean of childhood traumatic experiences scale was 51.77±9.68. As a result, it was observed that there was a statistically significant, positive, very weak correlation between the domestic violence awareness scale and the total scores of the childhood traumatic experiences scale.
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