Writing Principles

Writing Principles

1. Original articles submitted to IDEAStudies (International Journal of Disciplines Economics&Administrative Sciences Studies) Journal should have Turkish and English Abstract comprised of at least 150 words and 200 words at most; Turkish and English Keywords comprised of 3-5 words; Turkish and English title at the top of the paper. 

2. Authors cannot footnote in order to express the references and citations in the text. Instead, round brackets are inserted at the end of relevant section and brief information is given in the form of "Last Name, Publication Year: Page Number". In the citations made from books, the page information must be definitely included in the information in round brackets.

3. At the end of the text, a list of the sources used in the study is specified under the REFERENCES heading. This bibliography, which lists the references used in the study, is prepared in alphabetical order according to author surname ranking.

4. The header, footer and page number are not inserted to the papers.

5. For spelling and punctuation marks, spelling book of Turkish Language Association is based on except for the differences associated with the content of the text.

6. When working with a special font that is not included in the Microsoft Word program, the font file is also added to the system along with the article.

7. The page layout of the papers to be added to the system must have been arranged by the author in accordance with the following values:

             Paper Size: A4 Vertical (Horizontal pages should not be included in the article)

             Top Margin: 2 cm

             Bottom Margin: 2 cm

             Left Margin: 2 cm

             Right Margin: 2 cm

             Font: Times New Roman

             Font Size: 11 in title, 11 in text, 10 in abstract and 8 in footnotes

             Paragraph Spacing: 6 points at the beginning - 6 points in the end, in abstracts: 6 points at the beginning - 6 points in the end

             Row Spacing: Single

8. Tables and Figures; They should be written as Table 1: .....................; Figure 1:....................., in 12 font size; the statement of table should be on the table and centred. The statement of figure should be under the figure and centred. Text inside the tables should be 10 pt, row spacing must be single, paragraph spacing must be 0 point.  Tables and Figures should not extend beyond the page layout. Tables should have margins of both rows and columns.

9. Articles that do not comply with the Publishing Principles of IDEAStudies Journal in any respect are not considered for assessment.

10. It is necessary to download the sample article template by clicking on the document download menu located in the homepage of the journal and to upload it to the journal system by arranging the article in accordance with this template.



Forms of Writing for Single-Authored Books in References

Surname, First Letter of Name. (Publication Year). Name of Book, Place of Publication, City.

Odabaşı, Y. (2004). Postmodern Marketing, Mediacat Kitapları, İstanbul.

Forms of Writing for Books Authored by Two Persons in References

Surname, First Letter of Name. & Surname, First Letter of Name. (Publication Year). Name of Book, Place of Publication, City.

Yıldırım, A. & Şimşek, H. (2008). Qualitative Research Methods in Social Sciences, Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara.

Writing Forms for Books Authored by Three and More Persons in References

Surname, First Letter of Name.; Surname, First Letter of Name. & Surname, First Letter of Name. (Publication Year). Name of Book, Place of Publication, City.

Beck, C.A.J.; Sales, B.D., Walter, M.D. & Heynes, A.P. (2002). Managing Diversity in the Classroom, New Age Printing, Washington DC.

Writing Forms for Translated Books in References

Surname, First Letter of Name. (Publication Year). Name of the Book (Translator /Prepared by), Place of Publication, City.

Pearson, CS (2003). The Hero Within (Translated by Semra Ayanbaşı), Akaşa Yayınları, İstanbul.

Writing Forms for Edited Books in References

Surname, First Letter of Name. (Publication Year). "Section Name" (Ed. Editor's Name and Surname), Name of Book, pp. Page Range, Place of Publication, City.

Karluk, S.R. (2005). “Does the Membership of Cyprus in EU Divide the Union?". (Ed. Oguz Kaymakçı),  Notes on European Union,  pp. 263-287, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara.

Writing Forms for Books with Unspecified Authors in References

Name of the Work, (Publication Year), Place of Publication.

Spelling Guide, (2000), Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları, Ankara.


Writing Forms for Single-Authored Articles in References

Surname, First Letter of Name. (Date). "Name of the Article", Name of Published Journal, Volume (Number): Page Range.

Karayormuk, K. (2001). "The Importance of Performance Evaluation in Total Quality Management and a Research", Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of İİBF, 3 (2): 61-73.

Writing Forms for Articles Authored by Two Persons in References

Surname, First Letter of Name. & Surname, First Letter of Name. (Date). "Name of the Article", Name of Published Journal, Year (Number): Page Range.

Kıngır, S. & Mesci, M. (2007). "Learning Organizations", Electronic Journal of Social Sciences, 6 (19): 19-27.

Writing Forms for Articles Authored by Three and More Persons in References

Surname, First Letter of Name.; Surname, First Letter of Name. & Surname, First Letter of Name. (Date). "Name of the Article", Name of Published Journal, Year (Number): Page Range.

Sands, S.; Oppewal, H. & Beverland, M. (2009). ‘’The Effects of In-store Themed Events on Consumer Store Choice Decisions’’, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 16: 386-395.


Writing Forms for Thesis or Projects in References

Surname, First Letter of Name. (Date). "Name of Thesis", Type of Thesis, University/Institute, City.

Aydın, A. E. (2013). 'A Research on the Factors Affecting the Hedonic and Beneficial Value Loaded on the Products'', M.Sc. Thesis, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Institute of Social Sciences, Muğla.


Writing Forms for Symposium/Conference/Papers in References

Surname, First Letter of Name. (Date). "Name of Paper", Name of Event, Date of Event, (Editor. Name and Surname), Name of the Organizing Authority, Page Range, City.

Öztürk, B. (2016). 'The Impact of Religious Trends on Consumer Preferences: An Example of Food Preferences in England' 'Social Sciences Congress from International China to Adriatic, October 27-30, 2016, İKSAD, 859-869, Antalya.


Writing Forms for Encyclopedia Articles in References

Surname, First Letter of Name. (Date). "Article Text", Name of the Encyclopedia (Volume No): Page Range, City.

Bayraktar, M. (1996). "Dâvûd-i Kayseri", The Religious Affairs Islam Encyclopedia (DİA), (IX): 32-35, Istanbul.

Writing Forms for Newspaper Articles in References

Surname, First Letter of Name. (Date). "Title of the Article", Name of the Newspaper.

Akyol, T. (2005), "Social Science Awards", Milliyet.

Writing Forms for Corporate Web Page in References

Corporate Name Abbreviation, Corporate Name, Web Address

YÖK, Higher Education Institution, www.yok.gov.tr.gov.tr